Thursday, January 30, 2014

A defender to the fatherless

A few years back when I was with a beautiful group of women in Uganda serving Watoto [a beautiful church that ministers to orphans and vulnerable women] I heard what I thought was the Holy Spirit talking to me.  I was in the middle of leading our team in discussion regarding the things that we had seen in those days.......really getting down to some heart matters and asking God what He wanted the repercussions of this trip to be.  I am pretty sure I said out loud “Hold on” or something to that affect and kept on leading.  The girls looked at me like I was crazy and asked “who in the world are you talking to” and I said “I think it was the Holy Spirit”  but I wasn’t quite sure and maybe even a little confused on what He was telling me.   We all sorta laughed that I told the Holy Spirit to hold on!  I wasn't irreverent but I was really not ready for what He was telling me to do or did I truly understand any of it.  BUT, that moment has never left me and I have been asking God to give me clarity.  

Through His word and some counsel from a dear friend, it has become very clear to me what He was telling me.  He was giving me a BIGGER picture of His heart for orphans.  And while Watoto is not the only orphanage in the world, it did show us how well orphans can be loved and taken care of.  It was an experience that I was to take with me so that when He took my family to another orphanage in Chiapas, Mexico I could ask the questions:  Why can’t the precious children that I met in Mexico receive the same attention and care that the ones in Uganda have?  AND Why can’t they do it so well that they change the orphan network in Mexico and Guatemala?  He was also asking me to get actively involved……”defend the cause of the orphan” and “take care of the orphan”…….

This clarity did not come to fruition until last week when I was asked to be a voice for Casa Hogar Canaan.  I accepted the opportunity with great HONOR, HUMILITY and EXCITEMENT knowing God had been preparing me for this very thing.  I’m going to start with this blog post and see where the Lord leads.  I have no idea what will come out of it, or who will read it, but I’m believing that “The One who calls you is faithful and He will DO it.”  God has called the Reeves Party of 6 to defend the fatherless by coming along side ministries that are raising kids to be the change in their own country and Casa Canaan is where we are starting.  Those children stole our hearts and we believe with everything in us that God wants more children in Mexico rescued.  But it will take some changes to Casa Canaan for that to happen.  Carlos and Yara [Mama and Papa of CC] have spent many nights crying, knowing there are so many more orphans out there.  They get calls from the government [DIF] begging to take in more children.  They are ready and willing, BUT they are going to need the help of others......spiritually, financially, and physically.  I will be updating you on specific needs that need filling and future goals for CC! Pray that the right people READ, HEAR, and DO!   

The best way to give money is here: (Click on any or all of the orphans' names to learn more about them)Click: DONATE
Then you choose which payment choice works best for you. 100% of the money that you give will go to Casa Hogar Canaan.  I PROMISE! 

As of today they are using the funds in their account to finish up the boys dormitory and complete the classrooms for a better learning environment.

  • hot water units at each building [no hot water on site for dishwashing or bathing]
  • a budget for propane
  • meal planning and budgets for food
  • a chain link fence around the entire land [they have to keep the goats chained up at all times, and their chickens just roam free or leave] and they have small children that need to be contained for their safety.  They also have theft problems because anyone and everyone can come and go on the property.  It is very hard to keep secure w/o a fence.  
  • an onsite cook
  • bunk beds for the dorms

Boys Dormitory on top and Classrooms on bottom
The only building that is complete.  The kitchen is here and the one bathroom plus everyone except a few older boys sleep here.  
The laundry room

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting opportunity to serve the Lord this way, I look forward to following this chapter of His story as it unfolds! I will be praying for God to move in a mighty way there and through you, many lives are going to be changed for His glory! Que gran bendicion!
